Membership Dues: State & Chapter Application
Welcome! And Thank You for your interest in joining the Automotive Service Councils of California (ASCCA).
ASCCA is California’s leading automotive service and repair association. Our primary goal is to help professionals in the automotive service and repair industry stay up to date on new technology, protect business owners from laws impacting the industry, provide teaching and educational resources on automotive services for best business practices, and to create a unique automotive service and repair community. We invite you to join one of our local chapters in addition to your State Association membership and see how ASCCA can help you and your business.
2025 ASCCA Dues by Membership Type
To Get Started…
The ASCCA offers a range of membership categories to accommodate the varying types of members in our association. Start by reviewing the membership types and find the one that best fits your situation:
- Regular Member: Automotive service businesses validly and currently registered in good standing with the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) and the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) as an Automotive Repair Dealer (ARD).
- Associate Member: Businesses that supply goods, equipment, or services to the automotive service/repair industry, and/or those automotive repair businesses, regardless of type, not located in the State of California.
- Educator Members: Teachers or administrators working in an accredited California school who do not own or manage an automotive repair facility.
- Branch Membership: Regular, Associate, and Educator members who join multiple ASCCA chapters, and/ or have branch locations that they want to join at the ASCCA chapter level.
- Student Member: Individuals at least 16 years old and currently enrolled in a California high school or college automotive program – click this link instead of completing this form Application for ASCCA Student Membership.
- California Automotive Teachers (CAT) Educator Member: join ASCCA at no charge by clicking here to download an application instead of completing this form.
If you have any questions about membership with ASCCA, we’re here to help! Contact Membership Coordinator, Jacob Gray at jgray@amgroup.us or by phone at (916) 924-9054 ext. 137.
Next, decide if you’d also like to join a local ASCCA chapter…
IMPORTANT NOTE: Membership in the ASCCA State Association is required to be eligible for chapter membership.
Local ASCCA chapters give members opportunities to meet, network, and trade ideas with colleagues in your local area.
Now complete the form…
- First, check the box “State Dues.” and choose your member type.
- Next, check the box of any local chapters you would also like to join and choose your member type in addition to your state membership. To find the chapter closest to you, please click here for the chapter lookup feature.
- Fill in the Contact Information fields and click Next to continue.
On the next page, you’ll enter the information about your automotive business and select the payment options and form of payment.
regular members only - You’ll also need your ARD #, in addition to your payment information (credit card or banking information) to complete the form, so be sure to have that handy when beginning the form.